Jarun lake is a place where one can enjoy in many things. It is called Zagreb sea and it offers many things that real sea provides. Long walks, beautiful girls, cocktails in bars, and of course, fishing. Jarun, among other species, holds nice population of perch. Nothing big, 25-30 cm long fish is already a nice catch, but there are so many of them one can spend all day in chasing these striped bandits.
And all of it in urban street fishing kind of way, where one eye can be looking at the tip of your ultralight rod, and other one can enjoy in roller girls that are common at the shores of the Jarun lake.
There is no such thing as ´best lure ever´, lets be honest. Since Jarun lake is connected with Sava river with canal, it´s water level is not always the same and water clarity isn´t always the same. So, there are some colours and presentations that work better than others in some conditions. If we would have to choose only one lure for Jarun lake, that would be our all time perch favourite Sakura Slit shad. But we like to try new stuff so we sometimes deliberately forget it in a trunk of a car.
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As it is everywhere in the world, clarity of water dictates lure colour. Best colours for clear water are natural. In other conditions, when water is murky, or we fish in deeper water colours like pink, orange, or yellow are great choice. Sakura Slit shad in ayu colour brings best of both world, because of it´s dark back and yellow belly.
Days when Jarun lake´s water level is slightly elevated are the best for fishing. Predators come close to the bank and feed on little fish and larvae. Proven softbait on a jig hook is all one UL angler needs to have a really good time. When water level starts to fall and clear, things get a bit complicated. It´s the same everywhere. This is the time when one has to make an additional effort to catch some fish. Texas rig, carolina rig, split shot, or drop shot rig are some words that are good to know in those times. Or you can try some new stuff.
At the end of the season we got some new toys to try and play with from Vagasky Lures. It was clear at the first sight that some of these lures will be a killer for perch. Time when fish isn´t so active isn´t the best time for trying new stuff for sure. One with lack of confidence, knowledge or experience can easily be fooled, or dissapointed if new lure doesn´t catch him a fish. No matter good old proven lures didn´t catch any. Luckily, years of experience gave us a dose of self-confidence so we decided we´d give Vagasky Lures a try in heavy conditions. Couple of nice fish proved us we were right at the start- Vagasky Lures do have couple of killer lures when perch is target. Until we test it more, only three words: Dali, Picasso and Monet.
When fishing is slow, presentation of a lure is as important as lure itself. Even more. Softbait on a light jig head is always first option. Second option is to think what and where fish eat when they don´t eat for real. The third important thing is the amount of stimulus needed to one moody perch (zander, bass, ..) takes a bite. Fourth, and it could be second also, is down-sizing.
There are no roller girls these days on banks of a Jarun lake. Jarun lake perch are in some lethargic mood. But if you come to Zagreb in an early spring and you have your fishing gear with you, Jarun lake is a great option and you will be suprised with it´s (natural) beauties. And perch are nice, too.