If you´re fisherman, you´ve heard of a nile perch. Unfortunatelly, we didn´t make it to Nile, but we took a fishing trip to Slovenia in a search for a tilapia. Tilapia is the common name for nearly a hundred species of cichlid fish from the tilapiine cichlid tribe. Tilapia are mainly freshwater fish, inhabiting shallow streams, ponds, rivers and lakes in Africa and both Americas.
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They can be found in aquariums around the world as well. I guess that´s the way how it got in a Topla Struga lake near Catez spa. Considering tilapia is an invasive species, it soon became main fish in a lake. It can reach 4 kilos and it is an omnivore, feeding on plankton as well as on higher plants, but it can be taken on artificial baits as well so we decided to give it a go. We used Slit Shad´s tails, AJ Sticks and AJ worms and baits from Berkley Powerbait line of baits. Salted and scented, as you can see. We caught some, but if you really wanna catch these, you have to use maggots. Down side of fishing with maggots is that smaller fish like it so much it becomes boring after a while. We used split shot and drop shot technique, with small round hook in lack of small drop shot hooks. I used Sakura Sportism UL rod, while Robbie used Garbolino Game Hunter Microlure rod.
Lake Topla Struga is under RD Brezice administration, daily ticket costs 10 euros and lake is open for strangers on Wednesday and Sunday. You should know that there is float fishing competition going on there every Sunday, at least in winter, because this lake never freezes. Reason why is warm water from Catez spa.
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Link on where you can buy daily tickets is below, but be aware that some of places listed open at noon.