We´ll open a presentation of a new softbaits from Sakura with a new player in their program. It´s Slit Finesse. Slit Shad had fantastic fish catching ratio last year, I think he caught a fish on every water we visited, from pike, zander, trout, perch, barbel, bass, seabass, and so on. Slit finesse is Sakura´s logical step forward. It is a soft jerkbait, made of a Slit Shad´s body which ends with V shaped tail. It comes in 3 lenghts: 75 mm, 100 mm and 125 mm (3, 4, 5 inches).
At first glance it looked thinner in a profile than Slit Shad to me, but then i realized what´s going on. Finesse Slit 125 is made on Slit Shad 100, SF 100 is based on SS 85 and Slit Finesse 75 is only slightly larger and thicker in a body than Slit Shad 50 mm. All of them are salt free and they are ´pimped´ with crawfish scent. If you find colours that Sakura is offering boring, you can make your own colour chart with a little help of a lighter. As they are salt free, you can cut 2 of them, warm up the ends and connect it. You can mix them with Slit Shads from Zander selection, too, for they are salt free as well.
Slit Finesse can be used on a drop shot rig, on a jig, a jig hook, or with worm hook. Weightless, texas rig, carolina rig, there are more than a few ways you can rig it. Slit Shads from Perch and Zander selection come salted and scented. In year 2014 they come in a 4 new colours, apple mint, junebug, hasu and pink shake. Pink shake already proved itself in perch fishing, junebug will be great for bass fishing, while apple mint and hasu look great for clear water. Sexy shad colour worked great for seabass last year, I feel hasu and apple mint will do the same this year and years to come.
For those who fancy big bites and big fish, Sakura offers Slit Shads in a new dimensions, 150 and 175 mm (6 and 7 inches). Colour chart contains 8 colours plus golden shiner which is exclusive for Salt water selection. Pike selection contains 3 Slit Shads 175 in peper mint, blue back, and apple mint colour. Although it looks really massive, biggest Slit Shad works at a smallest move. We even tried it rigged weightless on a big worm hook and stayed astonished by the action. Tail works in dropping, and even at a slowest retrieve it shows nice body roll. If you let it drop on the bottom, let it rest and then twich it, it jumps, turns on a side and flashes while ´dying´ again. This thiing is a main reason I can´t wait pike season to start! Material of which this great bait is made of is really soft, but bait itself is fleshy enough to handle enough toothy fish before it goes in deserved retirement.
We can´t wait to get our hands on couple more treats from Sakura:
Notobug- 30 mm long and 3,5 g of a weight great looking imitation of an insect made of high density foam.
Crawl´n frog 65 mm 20 g, Basirisky lookalike frog
Queen rana (45-55-65 mm i 10-15-20 g), another frog we find interesting,
L16 shad, great looking swimbait that is coming in 120 and 150 mm of a lenght,
Balatuna (35 mm 15 g), little metal jig that looks like bullet and casts evenly, I supose and
Crazy anchoa jig- another casting jig.
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We wish to thank Top Fishing store crew who conceded us baits. Thanks, guys!